Friday, October 30, 2009
Sugarcane Seller Charged With Murdering Indonesian Maid
Thursday, October 29, 2009
biodata ritawati
KAMP. PERHUBUNGAN X / E- 17. RT.010 / RW. 007
26 NOV 1972
153 CM
62 KG

paspor ritawati
biodata taminem

sedia utk masuk
asal jawa timur
lahir 4 oct 1966
potong gaji 4 bulan gaji 450
fee 5500
belum ada majikan
Rescued - helper who claimed abuse
A neighbour alerted the police who rushed to the house at about 5pm on Monday.
The maid, who is in her 30s, told police she was regularly beaten up by her employer, a housewife in her 40s, but there were no visible injuries on her body.
George Town OCPD Asst Comm Azam Abd Hamid said the maid would be sent to the Penang Hospital for a medical check-up.
“We will wait for a detailed report on whether the maid has internal injuries,” he said yesterday.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It's murder: Indonesian maid dies of alleged abuse
Mautik Hani, 36, from Surabaya, who had multiple injuries on various parts of her body, died in the intensive care unit of the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital at about 10am on Monday.
Two officers from the Indonesian Embassy and Selangor executive councillor Dr Xavier Jayakumar were at the hospital on Monday to gather more information on the situation.
Mautik, who had a severe wound on her leg as well as bruises on her arms and face, was rescued by police from a house in Taman Sentosa on Oct 20.
She was found in the toilet of the house following a tip-off.
A married couple, believed to be her employers, have been arrested by police and remanded for further investigations.
Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital director Dr Ghazali Hasni Md Hassan said the victim, who had suffered multiple injuries, was admitted to the ICU last Saturday.
She was unconscious and died without regaining conscious, he added.
Dr Ghazali said Mautik was treated by a group of medical specialists, including orthopedic and anesthetic specialists, and a surgical team.
She was due for surgery but was not fit yet, he said, adding that she had not responded to antibiotics and drugs.
She was also suffering from malnutrition and dehydration, he added.
District police chief Asst Comm Mohamad Mat Yusop said the case had been reclassified under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder. It was initially investigated under Section 326 for voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons.
ACP Mohamad said a post-mortem would be carried out to determine the cause of death.
“We are looking for at least three more people to help us in our investigations,” he added.
It is learnt that police are looking for the male employer’s mother, who also stayed in the same house, the informer who found Mautik, and a former employer of Mautik.
A 29-year-old woman was arrested on the same day Mautik was found and her husband surrendered to the police the following day.
The woman would be remanded until Tuesday and the man until Wednesday.
Mautik is believed to have worked in the house for the past two months and was locked in the toilet for two days before she was discovered.
She did not have any valid travel documents when she was rescued.
Dr Xavier said the Selangor state government expressed its deepest condolences to Mautik’s family and was prepared to help if her family needed help in sending the body home or if family members wanted to come to Malaysia to claim the body.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Death of Indonesian maid will further strain ties
Doctors said Mautik Hani, 36, from Surabaya, who had been in a coma since Saturday, died at 10am.
She was rescued by police on Tuesday and was found with a wound on her leg as well as bruises on her arms and face.
A 30-year-old trader and his wife are currently under remand to help investigations into claims of abuse. Police are expected to reclassify the case.
Her death is expected to further sour relations between Malaysia and Indonesia.
Cases of Indonesian maid abuse have been a major cause of strained relations in recent years and news of Mautik’s death has already been picked up by Indonesian newspapers.
The online edition of Jakarta Globe has the headline "Indonesian Maid in Malaysia Dies After Being Rescued From Alleged Abuse".
Indonesian Maid in Malaysia Dies After Being Rescued From Alleged Abuse
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Malaysian couple arrested for beating maid
KUALA LUMPUR — A Malaysian couple have been arrested for allegedly severely beating their Indonesian maid and leaving her bound and locked up in a toilet for two nights, police said Thursday.
Indonesia has put a ban on sending domestic workers to Malaysia while the neighbours attempt to negotiate a deal on salaries and conditions, aimed at ending a string of appalling abuse cases.
In the latest incident, a market vendor and his wife are accused of viciously beating their 36-year-old maid Mautik Hani, from Surabaya in Indonesia, who was found locked up in their house.
District police chief Mohamad Mat Yusop said the man, aged in his 30s, surrendered to police on Wednesday while his 29-year-old wife was arrested on Tuesday.
Newspaper reports have said that Hani was found, tied up around her hands and legs, by another Indonesian cleaner hired to replace her. She had noticed a foul smell coming from a locked bathroom.
"When she was found, she was in the toilet at the back of the house. Her left eye was swollen, her right leg had a big wound that exposed the bone, and she had bruises all over her body," Mohamad told AFP.
He said she was still being treated in hospital for her injuries.
The New Straits Times said that Hani had been abused by her employers almost daily during the two months she worked at their home.
Malaysia -- one of Asia's largest importers of labour -- depends heavily on domestic workers, mainly from Indonesia, but has no laws governing their working conditions.
The government in May announced plans for new laws to protect domestic workers from sexual harassment, non-payment of wages and poor working conditions.
Currently Indonesian maids typically work seven days a week for as little as 400 ringgit (113 dollars).
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
biodata lulus s w
09 NOV 1978
155 CM
51 KG
ada majikan 29/10
anak masih di jakarta
paspor sudah dibuat

biodata asti mariani

15 AUG 1979
155 CM
47 KG
biodata niswatun

21 AUG 1986
160 CM
52 KG
Friday, October 16, 2009
biodata syahriah

biodata laiha
status : single pendidikan : sma

Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
syarat dan terma urus pembantu rumah
Pakej INDIVIDU ditawarkan TIDAK TERMASUK dengan Levi RM 450 dan Fomema RM 200.
Pakej AGENSI merangkumi keseluruhan cadangan penyelesaian pengurusan kemasukan pembantu rumah
Pembantu Rumah yang diuruskan ada jaminan 3 bulan dari agen Indonesia.
Pembantu Rumah Lari, Kos hangus adalah tanggungjawab majikan. Agen hanya akan menggantikan dokumen biodata.
Tukar pembantu rumah atas pilihan majikan sendiri dalam tempoh jaminan, Kos hangus adalah ditanggung oleh majikan dan caj pertukaran sebanyak RM2000 dikenakan kepada majikan
Jaminan terus daripada agen di Indonesia (Back To Back). Majikan perlu maklum bahawa berurusan dengan Agen Indonesia terdapat risiko gantian lambat daripada Agen Indonesia.
Agen hanya bertindak sebagai Consultant dalam urusan kemasukan pembantu rumah dan tidak mampu meramal dan menanggung sebarang liabiliti luar jangka dan risiko akibat kelemahan dan kesilapan pihak ketiga iaitu Pembantu Rumah.
Syarat-syarat gantian tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat, peraturan dan bayaran terkini di Indonesia dan di Malaysia. Majikan hendaklah membayar perbezaan bayaran semasa dan dahulu.
Majikan hendaklah bersedia untuk menerima alternatif gantian wang separuh kos selepas ditolak kos hangus sekiranya agen merasakan kerumitan dalam gantian pembantu.
Friday, October 9, 2009
biodata kartika

pakej agensi RM 7000 urus
Gaji RM 500 potongan gaji 5 bulan
biodata sitimariyan
pakej agensi RM 7000 urus semua
Gaji RM 500 potongan gaji 5 bulan

biodata sriyulianti

biodata anisa surdi
pakej agensi RM 7000 urus semua Gaji RM 500 potongan gaji 5 bulan (RM 3000 )

biodata mira

pakej individu RM 5500 tidak termasuk levi fomema pakej agensi RM 7000 urus semua Gaji RM 500 potongan gaji 5 bulan
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
biodata nenti nurhayati

budak status ready
boleh masuk october
pasport medikal ready
pakej RM 5500 kelulusan majikan urus sendiri gaji RM 500 potongan gaji 5 bulan