Saturday, February 27, 2010
biodata nanik
Friday, February 26, 2010
photo martinah
photo titi saptirah
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Employers and foreign maids to be told their rights
“The course is expected to start at the end of next month. The parties must participate in the course within six months from the time the maids enter the country,” said Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam.
Representatives of employment agencies would also join in the course, called the Seminar and Dialogue for Foreign Maids, as there had been complaints against the agencies as well.
The Manpower Department (JTK) will organise such courses nationwide.
“This is to show the world that Malaysia is playing a more positive role to improve on the employer-maid working relationship.
“Although 99% of households with foreign maids are coping well, the one per cent of problematic relationships is giving a wrong impression about the country,” said Dr Subramaniam after the launch of a guidebook on the employment of foreign maids at Socso building here yesterday.
The Human Resources Ministry would get the list of new maids entering the country from the Immigration Department and use it to notify the parties supposed to attend the compulsory course.
In May last year, the Malaysian Employers Federation had appealed to the ministry to organise induction courses, as the foreign trainers conducting such courses in source countries might not be familiar with the local culture here.
Last November, there was also a proposal for government officers to conduct “friendly visits” to houses to enquire about the welfare of the foreign maids, but the suggestion was shot down as many felt it was an invasion into their privacy.
On the guidebook, Dr Subramaniam said it outlined the role and responsibilities of each party in the service contract; as well as hotline numbers, websites and addresses of related agencies such as the Immigration Department, JTK and police.
“The guidebook will be given to maids attending the course,” he added.
As for the on-going negotiations with the Indonesian parties wanting a RM800 monthly salary for maids, the minister said Malaysia had countered the proposal by urging for the salary scale to be determined by market forces.
He believed the two sides were keen to resolve outstanding issues the soonest possible.
Last June, Indonesia froze the dispatch of Indonesian maids to Malaysia, following reports of abuse by employers.
Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia Tan Sri Da’i Bachtiar SH later said that Jakarta would demand higher wages in its negotiations to lift the freeze.
Meanwhile, the Association of Foreign Maid Agencies (Papa) deputy president Foo Yap Hooi agreed with the Government’s proposal to allow market forces dictate wages.
“Better trained maid will be able to command a higher salary. Employers must be sure they are agreeable to the salary stated in the contract.
“If they want to change the maid, they will need to do it within the time period given and pay for the exchange fee,” he said.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
What is my opinion about Indonesian maids? I suppose even in our marriage we cannot expect a perfect spouse, but as long as the basic principles are adhered to with no gross blunders made... life goes on and pray to God that we make our best decision and things are made easy for us.
I am writing in response to Indonesian government's plan to demand higher salaries for them, which politically would seem that you are really fighting for their welfare.
Recently I sent my maid home for vacation leave in conjunction with the Idul Adha holiday. Initially I offered her 2 months, simply to train my eldest children, who were on school holidays then, and to manage the house chores, but surprisingly the maid declined. She said two weeks was enough. So we bought her return tickets and we prepared a special letter to certify she worked for us and that we had allowed her to take the leave, endorsed by Malaysian immigration.
Unfortunately on the day we expected her to come back to Malaysia, she suddenly called us, apparently from Jakarta airport, mentioning she was stuck there because the Indonesian immigration office demanded she pay a hefty sum of RM1,000, which is a lot even for me, what's more for my maid, who had used up all her salary for her family in Indonesia (we never kept a single cent of her money).
Actually a RM500 monthly salary is good enough wages that they can use to help their families back home in Indonesia. Efficient maids can rest in the afternoons, especially if they work with a family that does not have small children.
So, ladies and gentlemen, fighting for your workers is more than demanding for a minimum salary of RM800 which many people in Malaysia cannot afford, but protecting your maids also includes empowering them with competency and skills, recognizing their rights (from agencies and future employers), making them feel secure and comfortable . and realizing that demanding RM1,000 airport tax from a house maid is ridiculous.
Friday, February 19, 2010
PETALING JAYA: Negotiations on the RM800 salary proposal for domestic maids working here by the Indonesian government is still ongoing.
Human Resources Minister Datuk S. Subramaniam said his Indonesian counterparts had yet to finalise the matter with the ministry.
“Negotiations between both parties are still ongoing.
"I can’t say how long it will be before we resolve this issue, but it would not be solved until there is mutual agreement by both parties,” he told The Malay Mail yesterday.
Subramaniam was responding to yesterday’s statement by Malaysia's Ambassador to Indonesia Datuk Syed Munshe Afdzaruddin Syed Hassan who said the republic’s proposal of a RM800 minimum wage for Indonesian maids should be studied thoroughly.
Syed Munshe Afdzaruddin had said the government must consider the capacity of Malaysian employers to pay that kind of money and whether the salary was justified with the work they did.
“What the ambassador said is true. We have to study Indonesia’s proposal thoroughly before we can agree to anything.”
Last June, Indonesia froze the dispatch of Indonesian domestic maids to Malaysia, following cases of Indonesian domestic workers being ill-treated by their employers.
Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia, Tan Sri Da'i Bachtiar SH, had said Jakarta would demand higher wages in its negotiations to lift the freeze.
Last month, The Malay Mail had reported that local employers were now hiring maids from other countries, mostly from Cambodia, followed by Vietnam and the Philippines.
Monday, February 15, 2010
biodata aisyah
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
biodata noviana susanti
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
biodata norfaijah
biodata azizah
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
paspor azizah
biodata norfaijah
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Pakej INDIVIDU RM 5500 JAWA MEDAN RM 4000 ditawarkan TIDAK TERMASUK dengan Levi RM 450 dan Fomema RM 200.
Pakej AGENSI RM 6800 calling visa / RM 7200 deduction 5 months masuk sosial merangkumi keseluruhan cadangan penyelesaian pengurusan kemasukan pembantu rumahPembantu Rumah yang diuruskan ada jaminan 3 bulan dari agen Indonesia.
Pembantu Rumah Lari, Kos hangus adalah tanggungjawab majikan. Agen hanya akan menggantikan dokumen biodata.
Tukar pembantu rumah atas pilihan majikan sendiri dalam tempoh jaminan, Kos hangus adalah ditanggung oleh majikan dan caj pertukaran sebanyak RM2000 dikenakan kepada majikan
Jaminan terus daripada agen di Indonesia (Back To Back). Majikan perlu maklum bahawa berurusan dengan Agen Indonesia terdapat risiko gantian lambat daripada Agen Indonesia.
Agen hanya bertindak sebagai Consultant dalam urusan kemasukan pembantu rumah dan tidak mampu meramal dan menanggung sebarang liabiliti luar jangka dan risiko akibat kelemahan dan kesilapan pihak ketiga iaitu Pembantu Rumah.
Syarat-syarat gantian tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat, peraturan dan bayaran terkini di Indonesia dan di Malaysia.
Majikan hendaklah membayar perbezaan bayaran semasa dan dahulu.Jaminan sah hanya jika semua pembayaran dibuat mengikut kaedah yang ditetapkan.
Jaminan tidak sah jika majikan gagal membuat apa-apa pembayaran yang diperlukan.
Majikan hendaklah bersedia untuk menerima alternatif gantian wang separuh kos selepas ditolak kos hangus sekiranya agen merasakan kerumitan dalam gantian pembantu.
Tanggungjawab mengganti adalah daripada agen
Friday, February 5, 2010
paspor serli

dari RM 6800 agensi urus dari RM 5500 urus sendiri gaji RM 500 termasuk salary deduction 5 bulan Jaminan 3 bulan dari PT Indo kes lari, tak lulus medikal
KUALA LUMPUR: With the ongoing freeze on the supply of Indonesian maids, Malaysians can now opt for Muslim maids from Mindanao, the Philippines.
This will be made possible with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) here today between the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) authority and a group of 20 foreign maid agencies from Malaysia (G20). G20 chairman Datuk Raja Zulkeply Dahalan said the cooperation would enable them to supply quality housemaids with a reasonable fee to meet the demand for Muslim maids from Muslim employers. "Besides Indonesia, we are also facing difficulty in getting Muslim housemaids from countries such as Cambodia," he told reporters after the signing of the MoU. Meanwhile, ARMM Department of Labour and Employment Secretary Myra Mangkabung Alih said the programme would help many families in the region to reduce poverty.
"According to the 2006 statistics, 55 out of 100 families in Mindanao are poor and the number is increasing every year. Through this programme, we hope to provide employment and better income to more people." She said 6,000 well-trained maids could be deployed to Malaysia each year, adding that recruiting would begin at the end of March and both parties were still negotiating on a suitable standard salary RM 500 - RM 600.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
biodata suyatmi

dari RM 5500 urus sendiri
gaji RM 500 termasuk salary deduction 5 bulan
Jaminan 3 bulan dari PT Indo kes lari, tak lulus medikal