Republika, 26 Desember 2008
JAKARTA -- Masyarakat yang akan bepergian ke luar negeri tanpa memiliki Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) bersiaplah merogoh kocek lebih dalam. Direktorat Jenderal Pajak telah memutuskan menaikkan biaya fiskal perjalanan ke luar negeri hingga menjadi Rp 2,5 juta.
Biaya sebesar itu untuk para pelancong yang bepergian bandar udara, dan Rp 1 juta bagi mereka yang bepergian dengan menggunakan jalur laut. Kenaikan biaya fiskal itu akan mulai berlaku pada 1 Januari 2009. Kenaikan fiskal ke luar negeri hingga 150 persen itu, menurut Dirjen Pajak Darmin Nasution, dimaksudkan untuk memaksa masyarakat yang tergolong wajib pajak membuat NPWP.
"Fiskal Rp 2,5 juta itu supaya orang lebih bersemangat membuat NPWP.Kalau dibiarkan tetap sejuta, jangan-jangan nanti orang bilang,"Daripada masuk ke sistem, kita bayar saja fiskal," ujar Darmin di Jakarta, Rabu (24/12) lalu. Ia menambahkan, aturan baru soal fiskal luar negeri ini menunggu ditandatanginya Peraturan Pemerintah yang mengatur kenaikan fiskal tersebut.
PP itu sendiri akan berlaku hingga 31 Desember 2010 dan setelah itu rencananya pemerintah akan menghapus fiskal luar negeri. Sebelumnya biaya fiskal ke luar negeri dengan pesawat udara ditetapkan sebesar Rp 1 juta rupiah. Sedangkan bagi pelintas batas negara dengan jalur laut hanya dikenakan Rp 500 ribu.
Namun masih terdapat kelompok orang yang dikecualikan dalam membayar fiskal ke luar negeri, meski tidak memiliki NPWP. Mereka adalah wajib pajak yang berusia di bawah 21 tahun, orang asing yang berada di Indonesia kurang dari 183 hari dalam 12 bulan, pejabat diplomatik, penggiat organisasi internasional, WNI yang memiliki dokumen resmi sebagai penduduk negara lain, jamaah haji, pelintas batas melalui darat, serta tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) dengan Kartu Tenaga Kerja Luar Negeri (KTKLN). Masyarakat yang termasuk kategori di atas secara otomatis bebas biaya fiskal ke luar megeri.
Darmin sendiri menegaskan bahwa keputusan untuk meningkatkan biaya fiskal itu bukan bertujuan meningkatkan penerimaan pajak. "Jika semuanya sudah membuat NPWP malah bisa jadi penerimaan dari fiskal ke luar negeri ini jadi nol," ujar dia. Namun penerimaan negara yang hilang dari fiskal, ujar dia, bisa didapatkan dari pembayaran pajak masyarakat yang memiliki NPWP.
10 juta NPWP
Darmin juga menyatakan, hingga ahir Desember ini jumlah pemegang NPWP sudah tercatat 10 juta orang lebih. Lonjakan terbesar terjadi pada pengajuan NPWP baru yan terjadi di bulan ini, mengingat pada awal bulan jumlah pemegang NPWP baru 9 juta. Jumlah itu terdiri dari 1,8 juta merupakan wajib pajak (WP) besar dan WP badan, sementara sisanya adalah NPWP orang pribadi.
"Saya kira tadinya tidak menyangka akan sampai sebesar itu. Tidak ada yang membayangkan bisa seperti ini. Kita dapat 10 juta," ujar dia. Darmin mengatakan, pada bulan November lalu pertambahan jumlah pemilik NPWP baru tercatat 2,5 juta orang, dengan rata-rata pengajuan per hari 7.000 hingga 8.000 orang. Pada Desember, permintaan pembuatan NPWP itu melonjak hingga rata-rata per hari 50.000 sampai 100.000 orang. "Bahkan pernah sampai 200.000 orang dalam sehari," ujar dia.
Di tahun depan, sistem perpajakan akan memasuki tahap dua, yakni tahap perbaikan di bidang manajemen dan pengelolaan perpajakan. Empat tahun ke depan, menurut Darmin, Ditjen Pajak akan ebih fokus pada kompetensi SDM setelah sebelumnya sudah fokus ke bisnis, proses supporting dan teknologi informasi.
Hingga 22 Desember, penerimaan dari sektor perpajakan sekitar Rp 639,1 triliun (105 persen), pajak dalam negeri Rp 603,1 triliun (104 persen), Pph Rp 316,5 triliun (104 persen), pajak perdagangan internasional (bea cukai) Rp 35,9 triliun (124,1 persen), dan PNBP Rp 289,4 triliun (102,3 persen). Dari angka tersebut terlihat bahwa pencapaian penerimaan pajak telah melampaui target.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Stamping as easy 1,2,3
KUALA LUMPUR: Stamping of documents will go online with the introduction of an e-Stamping system by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB).
To be used initially from Jan 1 for the stamping of documents for landed property, the new system will also see the end of the use of impressed stamps and official receipts.
IRB chief executive officer Datuk Hasmah Abdullah said e-Stamping would benefit those who have high volume of stamping to do such as lawyers and developers.
“Registered users will be able to print out the e-Stamp to stick on important documents. Payment for the stamp can also be made online,” she said.
Hasmah said although the e-Stamp could be printed by any printing machine, there were security features that would make it impossible to fake an e-Stamp.
“There are anti-photocopy features and a watermark appears if the stamp is printed for a second time,” she said, adding that the unique number on each stamp could also be checked online to see if it was an authentic stamp.
Those needing an e-Stamp could also get it at IRB stamp offices, she said, adding that the move was planned under Budget 2009.
Hasmah said the e-Stamping system would later be extended to cover all other important documents such as cheques, contracts and insurance policies.
She said the IRB have been managing stamps since they took over the business from the Accountant-General in 1978.
Hasmah added that the “setem hasil” (duty stamp) that could be bought from post offices was not being phased out but would get improved security features by Feb 1.
Source from The Star
To be used initially from Jan 1 for the stamping of documents for landed property, the new system will also see the end of the use of impressed stamps and official receipts.
IRB chief executive officer Datuk Hasmah Abdullah said e-Stamping would benefit those who have high volume of stamping to do such as lawyers and developers.
“Registered users will be able to print out the e-Stamp to stick on important documents. Payment for the stamp can also be made online,” she said.
Hasmah said although the e-Stamp could be printed by any printing machine, there were security features that would make it impossible to fake an e-Stamp.
“There are anti-photocopy features and a watermark appears if the stamp is printed for a second time,” she said, adding that the unique number on each stamp could also be checked online to see if it was an authentic stamp.
Those needing an e-Stamp could also get it at IRB stamp offices, she said, adding that the move was planned under Budget 2009.
Hasmah said the e-Stamping system would later be extended to cover all other important documents such as cheques, contracts and insurance policies.
She said the IRB have been managing stamps since they took over the business from the Accountant-General in 1978.
Hasmah added that the “setem hasil” (duty stamp) that could be bought from post offices was not being phased out but would get improved security features by Feb 1.
Source from The Star
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
biodata Norhayati

nama : norhayati
agama : kristen
status : kahwin anak satu
asal : inderapura
umur : 38
View Larger Map
telah ditempah majikan 17/12/2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Migrant workers need to be seen as humans
Irene Fernandez Feb 16, 07 5:09pm
Absolute power corrupts absolutely is a common cliché that has lost its warning and interpretation with our state authorities. And this was reflected very much in the statement made by the home affairs minister in the media yesterday. The minister stated that foreign workers will no longer come under the purview of the human resources minister. This move would mean that total power and control will now be with the ministry of home affairs where foreign labour is concerned. And a bill is ready to be tabled in Parliament next month! What discussions have been held with various the communities? A quick contact with some of the source countries revealed that they do not know about this bill. If the citizens of the source countries are going to be affected and implicated by this coup led by Radzi, then they should be consulted. The home ministry has already bungled the whole recruitment and placement of foreign workers. There is absolutely no planning, no strategy, no foresight and no direction into the employment needs of the country. Policies and recruitment have been on a continued ad hoc policy.
But most of all, there has not been any transparency on how decisions are made as to recruitment and letters of demand to agencies; on MOUs signed between Malaysia and source countries and on the approval given to over 32 companies to outsource labour. Add to this the lack of transparency over the bill that will be tabled. The mess the ministry has made is reflected in the large number of undocumented workers in the country where over and over again, innocent workers have been arrested and abused while the real criminals have gone scot free. But sadly, the minister, seems to pride himself on the fact that his biggest or best output will be the arrest of 40,000 undocumented workers. And there is nothing to state how many traffickers of human persons - especially of women and children - will be punished nor how many employers will be tried. Nor of agents who have made fast buck from the poor migrant workers and have cheated them. Should not we be ashamed that we go after the most vulnerable group and hunt them down like game? Have we become so inhuman that we find it most rewarding to arrest 60,000 refugees (now seen as illegal migrants) including children whose only crime is to flee their countries for fear of persecution and political repression? Do we know how many traffickers and enforcement officers’ bank accounts have swelled because of the ministry’s non-transparent and inhuman form of arrest and deportation especially to the Thai-Malaysia border? But most of all, why is the home ministry so strong-willed in taking full control over foreign workers? Is it because there is a lot of money to be made through recruitment and through the approvals for outsourcing? Already the levy and service fees rake in billions of ringgit annually.
What does the ministry know of workers’ rights and of labour demands and increasing the skills of workers? Are they stating that they will deal with labour rights and labour disputes? The recruitment and employment of foreign workers is not just about the enforcement of the Immigration Act. Migrant workers are not tourists nor visitors. Migrant workers are here for work. Thus it is all about labour. It means the effective enforcement of the Employment Act, the Industrial Relations Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Workmen’s Compensation Act and many others. The ministry does not have the expertise to enforce these Acts. It is therefore ridiculous to see the migrant worker a purely as a foreigner. The migrant worker is recruited and brought into the country as a worker. She is not a slave. And therefore his rights as a worker and as a human being come first. Honorable Minister, let us not recruit anymore migrant workers if we cannot respect them as workers and as human beings. If we cannot do justice to the poor and the exploited, then we cannot call ourselves a nation with morals. If we want to make money, then tap the rich and the wealthy, not the poor, the hungry and the vulnerable. And finally, if we cannot pay decent wages to the worker before her sweat dries up, then set aside this opaque bill. Work towards a comprehensive Foreign Workers Act that will ensure their protection of rights, justice and integrity. We ask you to fight corruption, be transparent and build integrity. The writer is programme coordinator, Tenaganita
Absolute power corrupts absolutely is a common cliché that has lost its warning and interpretation with our state authorities. And this was reflected very much in the statement made by the home affairs minister in the media yesterday. The minister stated that foreign workers will no longer come under the purview of the human resources minister. This move would mean that total power and control will now be with the ministry of home affairs where foreign labour is concerned. And a bill is ready to be tabled in Parliament next month! What discussions have been held with various the communities? A quick contact with some of the source countries revealed that they do not know about this bill. If the citizens of the source countries are going to be affected and implicated by this coup led by Radzi, then they should be consulted. The home ministry has already bungled the whole recruitment and placement of foreign workers. There is absolutely no planning, no strategy, no foresight and no direction into the employment needs of the country. Policies and recruitment have been on a continued ad hoc policy.
But most of all, there has not been any transparency on how decisions are made as to recruitment and letters of demand to agencies; on MOUs signed between Malaysia and source countries and on the approval given to over 32 companies to outsource labour. Add to this the lack of transparency over the bill that will be tabled. The mess the ministry has made is reflected in the large number of undocumented workers in the country where over and over again, innocent workers have been arrested and abused while the real criminals have gone scot free. But sadly, the minister, seems to pride himself on the fact that his biggest or best output will be the arrest of 40,000 undocumented workers. And there is nothing to state how many traffickers of human persons - especially of women and children - will be punished nor how many employers will be tried. Nor of agents who have made fast buck from the poor migrant workers and have cheated them. Should not we be ashamed that we go after the most vulnerable group and hunt them down like game? Have we become so inhuman that we find it most rewarding to arrest 60,000 refugees (now seen as illegal migrants) including children whose only crime is to flee their countries for fear of persecution and political repression? Do we know how many traffickers and enforcement officers’ bank accounts have swelled because of the ministry’s non-transparent and inhuman form of arrest and deportation especially to the Thai-Malaysia border? But most of all, why is the home ministry so strong-willed in taking full control over foreign workers? Is it because there is a lot of money to be made through recruitment and through the approvals for outsourcing? Already the levy and service fees rake in billions of ringgit annually.
What does the ministry know of workers’ rights and of labour demands and increasing the skills of workers? Are they stating that they will deal with labour rights and labour disputes? The recruitment and employment of foreign workers is not just about the enforcement of the Immigration Act. Migrant workers are not tourists nor visitors. Migrant workers are here for work. Thus it is all about labour. It means the effective enforcement of the Employment Act, the Industrial Relations Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Workmen’s Compensation Act and many others. The ministry does not have the expertise to enforce these Acts. It is therefore ridiculous to see the migrant worker a purely as a foreigner. The migrant worker is recruited and brought into the country as a worker. She is not a slave. And therefore his rights as a worker and as a human being come first. Honorable Minister, let us not recruit anymore migrant workers if we cannot respect them as workers and as human beings. If we cannot do justice to the poor and the exploited, then we cannot call ourselves a nation with morals. If we want to make money, then tap the rich and the wealthy, not the poor, the hungry and the vulnerable. And finally, if we cannot pay decent wages to the worker before her sweat dries up, then set aside this opaque bill. Work towards a comprehensive Foreign Workers Act that will ensure their protection of rights, justice and integrity. We ask you to fight corruption, be transparent and build integrity. The writer is programme coordinator, Tenaganita
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Muslims maids better for Muslim kids
Husin Tapa Dec 19, 05 4:05pm
I thank everyone who accused me of being this and that following my letter to Egalitarian Malay who was angry with the Immigration Department officials who told him that he should only employ a Muslim maid to care for their child.
Despite his complaint, Egalitarian Malay contends that he knows of Malay couples who employ non-Muslim maids to look after their children. As I said, the Muslim officials of the department were merely doing their job, for obvious reasons, for their fellow Muslims. Since enforcement in this area is unheard of, nobody is going to stop them from defying this rule and do like some (liberal) Muslims have done. Other than religious reasons, I was merely trying to tell them that as Muslims, they are duty-bound to help their fellow Muslims by creating jobs. This is one of the tenets of Fardu Kifayah i.e. helping your own kind. In simple terms, charity begins at home. Isn't everybody doing it? In so far as religion is concerned, let us (hyphothetically) say, your child is cared for by a nanny up to the age of 10 or 12. Let us put aside, for a moment, the dangers of the Internet, comic books, etc. During this period the non-Muslim maid would probably teach you good English, all the English nursery rhymes, Christmas carols, help you read all the volumes of Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, etc. On the other hand, a (good) Muslim maid would teach him or her how to read the Quran, how to Solat, the goodness of fasting during Ramadan and probably proper Islamic sex education. Egalitarian Malay (unless he is a Darwinist like many Malays now) surely knows that as a Muslims, there are Islamic parameters we must live by. Freedom in Islam is entirely different altogether. If some Muslims believe that Islamic freedom is very restrictive and out of date, I would say these people need to know a bit about the Jews whose Judaic laws and rules are far more restrictive than Islamic rules. Spend sometime reading about Judaic dietary rules and the rules on their rest day (Saturday).
I thank everyone who accused me of being this and that following my letter to Egalitarian Malay who was angry with the Immigration Department officials who told him that he should only employ a Muslim maid to care for their child.
Despite his complaint, Egalitarian Malay contends that he knows of Malay couples who employ non-Muslim maids to look after their children. As I said, the Muslim officials of the department were merely doing their job, for obvious reasons, for their fellow Muslims. Since enforcement in this area is unheard of, nobody is going to stop them from defying this rule and do like some (liberal) Muslims have done. Other than religious reasons, I was merely trying to tell them that as Muslims, they are duty-bound to help their fellow Muslims by creating jobs. This is one of the tenets of Fardu Kifayah i.e. helping your own kind. In simple terms, charity begins at home. Isn't everybody doing it? In so far as religion is concerned, let us (hyphothetically) say, your child is cared for by a nanny up to the age of 10 or 12. Let us put aside, for a moment, the dangers of the Internet, comic books, etc. During this period the non-Muslim maid would probably teach you good English, all the English nursery rhymes, Christmas carols, help you read all the volumes of Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, etc. On the other hand, a (good) Muslim maid would teach him or her how to read the Quran, how to Solat, the goodness of fasting during Ramadan and probably proper Islamic sex education. Egalitarian Malay (unless he is a Darwinist like many Malays now) surely knows that as a Muslims, there are Islamic parameters we must live by. Freedom in Islam is entirely different altogether. If some Muslims believe that Islamic freedom is very restrictive and out of date, I would say these people need to know a bit about the Jews whose Judaic laws and rules are far more restrictive than Islamic rules. Spend sometime reading about Judaic dietary rules and the rules on their rest day (Saturday).
We don’t need maid agencies as go-betweens
S Mar 16, 07 4:49pm
Why should we be paying maid agencies to do what we ourselves can do. If I’m not mistaken, farmers are encouraged not to use middlemen to dispose of their produces. I have the opportunity to get to know an agent in Indonesia who would allow me to bring in a maid. I usually call him and he prepared the traveling documents (he selects for me). He will sent the maid by bus to an agreed location where my wife and I would pick her up. Then I personally send her for a medical check-up and prepare the necessary documents required for her work visa. I do this all with the help of the immigration officers who in fact encouraged me not to use labour recruitment agents. Now my current maid is due to return home and my Indonesian agent informed me that I can no longer bring in a maid from Indonesia without going through a local agent. Why is this so? Why can’t I do it myself? Why must I pay such high agent fees? Why can't I do it my own way which is more economical? Why must I be subject to the mercy of the system? Do you know that by doing it myself, I save a few thousand ringgit. Why make me spend unnecessary money? The present arrangement by the relevant authorities is rigid and it benefits others instead of the consumers. What’s going on? Can someone please enlighten me?
Why should we be paying maid agencies to do what we ourselves can do. If I’m not mistaken, farmers are encouraged not to use middlemen to dispose of their produces. I have the opportunity to get to know an agent in Indonesia who would allow me to bring in a maid. I usually call him and he prepared the traveling documents (he selects for me). He will sent the maid by bus to an agreed location where my wife and I would pick her up. Then I personally send her for a medical check-up and prepare the necessary documents required for her work visa. I do this all with the help of the immigration officers who in fact encouraged me not to use labour recruitment agents. Now my current maid is due to return home and my Indonesian agent informed me that I can no longer bring in a maid from Indonesia without going through a local agent. Why is this so? Why can’t I do it myself? Why must I pay such high agent fees? Why can't I do it my own way which is more economical? Why must I be subject to the mercy of the system? Do you know that by doing it myself, I save a few thousand ringgit. Why make me spend unnecessary money? The present arrangement by the relevant authorities is rigid and it benefits others instead of the consumers. What’s going on? Can someone please enlighten me?
Maid Agencies: Claims of high profits untrue
AP Sekalung Mar 16, 07 4:51pm
I would like to meet up with Alex Ong as regards to his claims that Malaysian maid agencies are making RM3,000 to RM4,000 per deal. Before he goes on this rampage and wild accusations, I would like to see his tabulation of fees and cost involved and the final figure. Please have your facts right before making any claims especially to the public.
I'm an owner of an agency and I know exactly how much we make after two years whenever each maid is brought into the country by us. Unlike other businesses where profits are realised after the final collection is done, ours is different.
I would like to meet up with Alex Ong as regards to his claims that Malaysian maid agencies are making RM3,000 to RM4,000 per deal. Before he goes on this rampage and wild accusations, I would like to see his tabulation of fees and cost involved and the final figure. Please have your facts right before making any claims especially to the public.
I'm an owner of an agency and I know exactly how much we make after two years whenever each maid is brought into the country by us. Unlike other businesses where profits are realised after the final collection is done, ours is different.
Maid to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Abu Dhabi, Qatar
Managing cost from 550 usd, no salary deduction, 2year contract, salary from 800 - 1000 riyal onwards, Flight ticket borne by Employer ..
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
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