Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Employers in limbo over Indon maids

2009-08-04 14:58
KUALA LUMPUR: The uncertainty in getting Indonesian maids is causing much uneasiness among local working women who have grown dependent on them all these years.
A random Bernama survey revealed that many working women had taken leave to tend to their homes while others opted for part-time locals to help them out on weekends.
There were others who had enlisted the help of relatives or maids of friend's to temporarily overcome their predicament before getting their own maid.
Economist Noraini Majid, 39, sums up the frustration of affected housewives.
"I have already paid all the required fees to a local agent. Yet, I am unable to get a maid because Indonesia has suddenly imposed a temporary ban on the export of its maids.
"What is worse, we are not sure when the ban will be lifted. This uncertainty is really killing (me) because I just cannot plan anything and am now on a long leave to look after my two toddlers," she said. (Bernama)

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