Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Are we too dependent on foreign maids ???

HOW ironic is it that the Indonesian authorities are trying to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
By proposing a hefty RM800 a month salary for Indonesian maids, they are effectively pricing themselves out of the market.
In a way it is good as this will compel every household to rethink about their real need for a maid.
Have we asked ourselves whether we are too dependent on foreign maids so much so that the hands that rock the cradle of our future generation are not Malaysian women but Indonesian maids!
Although many families may swear that their maids are good, loyal and indispensable, the question is; are we so incapable of doing our own housework or caring for our children that we have to depend on a maid or maids (as some families have three or four domestic workers)?
Many families have also taken advantage of their maids by letting them work very long hours and doing double or triple jobs like taking care of two houses or extended families while some employers are known to “lend” their maids to their relatives when they go on holidays.
Some even make them work in their restaurants, pasar malam stalls and coffee shops.
I own two houses and have raised my two children (changing their diapers etc) and do almost all the housework while my wife cooks, washes and irons the clothes.
True, there are times when we feel greatly pressured, but we reckon that having a maid not only deprives us of our privacy but brings all sorts of problems, too.
The excuse that having maids to do the dirty job will release more quality time for us to spend with our children is not very true.
There are many people who have lots of free time but do not spend time with their families.
The Government should come out with a masterplan to wean Malaysians off our dependence on foreign labour, particularly maids, by establishing more family support policies like having creches in or near offices, encouraging the setting up of housekeeping/cleaning services and creche/day-care centre industries. This will ensure that our money is kept within our shores and families will have more money to spend.

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